Football Blog: Tangerine Flavoured

Sunday, June 16, 2024


Day 2: Here in England it's been a summery 11 degrees, replete with glorious cold and torrential rain and I want to put the fire on. Meanwhile in Deutschland there's been plenty of red hot soccer action. After the spectacular failure of both my preview piece and day 1 summary, here's day 2 in all it's glory*

*I may** have missed out some of the glory.
**I have missed out some of the glory***
*** Reason for missing glory are outlined in the informative diagram below

I can't take Switzerland seriously even though they've been quite good for a while. It's Switzerland. They're just not 'footbally'. I once stopped at a motorway services in Switzerland so I therefore picture the entire country as being like an expensive motorway services with mountains. Kind of like Tebay.

Hungary by contrast are very 'footbally' and have a serious looking manager. The Swiss are managed by a fella whose square glasses and long hair make him look like a furniture designer.

The game is decent. The Swiss are really good first half. Xhaka is outstanding .Two of their players score their first goals and it's a reminder of how previously unheralded players can light up a tournament ala Toto Schillachi in Italia 90 and some other players I've forgotten. The Magyars roar back into the game second half pulling back a goal with a lovely header. The best bit for me is that both teams bring on big lads. The Hungarian big lad is a terrific addition - the fact he looks more like he should be wearing dungarees and driving a flat bed truck full of straw means he's definitely my favourite player so far. The Swiss big lad scores, which is nice cos he's been injured for ages.

There's two things you notice watching this. 1 - Hungary are very good. 2. It's striking how unusual it is to see keepers immediately shelling it as long as they can when the ball comes to them - even though that was quite normal up till not that long ago. 

For Spain and Croatia the underwhelming b team pundits are shipped out, (though I do quite like Karen Carney's disapproving vibe of someone recounting a particularly shit marriage in post divorce drinking session with friends when describing poor play.) It's all Wrighty, Keano and G-Nev for this one. Keane can't stop saying "warriors" over and over. G-Nev speaks with the authority of a man who thinks he's an authority. Wrighty's glasses don't so much suggest furniture designer as your Nan at the bingo. Combined with an arty take on a flowery shirt, the man is the very definition of style.

On the pitch, the score is one sided but the game isn't. Croatia make a bunch of chances and don't score them and even when they do, they get ruled it out. Spain make a similar amount of chances but do score. It's a back and forth game but only one way in terms of the result. Spain are playing a 16 year old which is mental and he's pretty good. It's a wild idea and I don't want to tell our manager what to do but.... Maybe we could risk the 21 year old Rob Apter in the odd league one game?

Scots could probably use him as well tbf

I know it's trendy to hate on the USAVARLADY but she's definitely better than the ex refs they've had doing a similar thing (whether or not she said 'outside penalty') because she is quite concise and decisive. Peter Walton is neither. I do, however, think the fact TV now employ a specific analyst for VAR might be an indication that it's an overcomplicating element in a game whose simplicity is the key point in its global appeal.

Italy and Albania is ruined by me having to snatch glances at it on my silent phone. I see Albania go ahead and I see Donnarumma make a brilliant save at the end but in between I don't see very much of the game at all. On that evidence, it appears as if Albania have dominated from start to finish but the little bits of punditry I manage to hear by sneaking away from what I was engaged with suggest the Italians had played well. This is precisely the kind of top line, top level, exclusive insight you read this blog for. Who needs the MSM? 

Today's menu includes more football and that includes some country called 'England' - you may have heard of it. It's quite rainy. 

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