Football Blog: Tangerine Flavoured

Wednesday, July 20, 2022

Season Preview 22/23

An introduction

In the last few years, the club has been kind enough to get the transfer business out of the way nice and early. That's been very helpful to me as a blogger as it's given me loads to chat shit about about in preseason. This year, things have been different which has left me hovering over a keyboard, trying to work out how not to say the same things about the same players... 

Various theories have been posited as to why this is - a selection are offered below: 

- We're skint cos... Ben Mansford spent the transfer kitty on expensive looking open necked shirts with very posh looking collars. 
- We're skint cos... Ben Mansford spent the transfer kitty on attachment therapy after some twat in a body warmer who he thought was his BFF walked out on him for a scouse gangster who is best known for falling over at an inopportune moment. 
- We're skint cos... Ben Mansford has had a bit much Chablis when doing big Gaz's new contract and added a couple of zeros by accident. 
- We're skint cos... we've paid so many people to look for and evaluate transfer targets that we've not got any money to actually buy any of them. 
- We're not skint... and we're just taking time to adjust to the new priorities that a new manager and a new style of football brings... 

'An enthralling read. 5 stars'

So far, the signs are that Micky Apples a) won't wear a sleeveless padded jacked and club polo shirt ensemble on the touchline and b) will want to play football. 

Preseason isn't always a great guide to what will happen but we've set up to pass and several times thrown quite a few attacking players on the pitch at once. He's signed a midfielder who, on first viewing, likes to knock it about and attack the goal (Fiorini) and a supposedly footballing centre-half (Williams.) He's also given game time to Yates and Carey in key positions. These are two of the best 'footballers' in the current squad, which suggests he wants players with technique in crucial roles. 

The squad (as it stands): 

I'm looking forward to seeing how this all works. With Anderson, Fiorini, Carey and Bowler (provided he stays, which, if it was up to me, he would) there should be plenty of firepower/creativity coming from deeper or to some extent wide. Connolly adds steel but also isn't averse to a late run into the box or a shot and if Matty Virtue can stay fit, he could be an excellent balance between attacking and defensive midfield. This should also allow Dougall to do what he does best without the pressure of having to also run a game of football. We might even see Kev Stewart once in a while... 

I'm loathe to write off a player, but I'm struggling a bit to see where CJ fits into this system. He's very good at haring away from players, but less good when he's found the space. His technique isn't such that it's easy to visualise him fitting into a one touch pass and move system. I think CJ could probably win an Olympic speed skating medal but he just doesn't use the ball quick enough for the system I can see us playing. I could be wrong - I never thought Madine would fit into Critchball, I though KDH was shit at first. I though Simon Wiles would be the second coming of Stanley Matthews and so on... I hope he shoves this shite down my stupid gobby blogging throat. 

I've liked what I've seen of Rob Apter - his directness and ability to deliver a fizzing ball shouldn't be undervalued in a squad who last year couldn't cross to save its collective life. He's clearly got stuff to add to his game and I'm not quite on the 'play him at full back' hype train but like Carey last season, my impression of him in preseason is that he doesn't look at all apprehensive about playing with the big boys and that they seem perfectly happy to give him the ball. Sometimes you see youth players being nursed through the game but that's not been the case. I'm not sure he's ready to be thrown in at the deep end immediately but I think he's a player to definitely keep about the squad. Sooner or later one of the young lads has to be given a chance and Apter needs either a really challenging loan where he'll get lots of minutes at a good level or some minutes here and there with us in the league and to play in the cups. 

The Italian has a vibe of casual violence about him. In a good way. He's all flick knives and technique. I could see him in a Clockwork Orange or Trainspotting.  He should add a lot to our set up. He adds something similar to Sonny Carey but if we are going to play football, we need more than just him. He's looked excellent in the flashes we've seen of him, and he seems to have been eating some nourishing food since he's been injured as he's also put himself about more, winning the ball, clattering into people. That's really promising as, whilst I've no doubt he's got ability and a lovely football brain, the few times he didn't impress last year, he looked a bit waif like and blown away by the physicality of high level football - hopefully, that will be less of an issue this season. 

Fiorini has a certain style... 

Up front is a bit harder to work out (though it has just come to mind, that I still have no idea what Owen Dale is for - to the extent that I thought about players like Apter before I thought about him... anyway... the front three...) Bowler (see above caveat) will likely do a decent job in front three but then who plays with him, I don't know. On paper, Lavery has the best blend of physique and pace but his touch and link play can be a bit lacking and he really does need to stop falling over so much. Yates has all the link play, but he sometimes struggles to impose himself. Gaz has link play of an angel (no, really) but doesn't really seem born to play the role of lone striker, in the same way a big shirehorse is a wonderful thing if you want to pull a truck full of beer, but perhaps less so if you want to win the Grand National*. Beesley is injured and a bit unknown still - I liked what I saw, but I also don't really feel that a side built around Beesley feels realistic. Lubala deserves credit for his attitude and he's got a blend of pace and muscle that gives him a little bit of difference to the other lads, but it has to also be said, he wasn't very good in the division below. 

*What I'm saying here, may appear, (to the reader who is not attuned to nuance), as if I am calling wor Gaz 'a carthorse' - I suppose, I am in a sense, but with the logic that a thoroughbred shire horse is a magnificent beast. Dressage ponies are all fine and dandy, but frankly, a shire horse would deck any other horse, Red Rum included. #allhailthegoalmachine.

(I'm hoping very much that next season isn't like 'Animal Farm' and wor Gaz isn't playing the role of Boxer - the last two seasons show us that best laid plans can go in the bin and plan B can become plan A and honestly, dropping the whole 'hilarious' Gaz-worship thing for a second, Gaz has never looked fitter and as an option we've already got contracted to change things up, we shouldn't look a gift horse in the mouth)

He's a goal machine... 

It's the left side of attack/wings that baffles me a bit. I've already said what I've said about CJ and Appleton has shown no sign of playing Keshi there. Who else is there? I really don't know. It feels like a bit of a gap we need to fill to me. I think we'll probably have evolved from hopeful long diagonals to the corner, which is the tactic upon which CJ really excelled early on in his Pool career. 

Defensively, we're looking much the same as we did last year and again, we seem to have less fullbacks than is wise. I'm not wholly convinced by Garbutt. I am convinced by Husband. Many would have it the other way round, but I think Garbutt is quite a reactive (and injury prone) player who looks stylish but has problems with positioning. Husband is more rugged but his crossing is weaker, though I think his short game and ability to set a tempo on the left is vastly under-rated as his general attitude. He's a perfectly respectable fullback in my view. Any decent side ever has skilful players of course, but they also invariably feature a sprinkling of players whose attitude is their main asset - I think Jimmy is one of ours. If Phil Neville can win a European cup then so can Jimmy... 

On the right Jordan Gabriel is a legend. He might sometimes try and play every position, but his energy is such that more often than not, he'll be an extra man in a situation rather than missing in his own position. Jack Moore, like Rob Apter is obviously quite good at football. Whether he's good enough to be a championship player, I don't know. We do still really need a right back and also, Burnley can fuck right off hovering about Gabriel like some rich bastard going to a food bank cos they've heard there's caviar in stock this week. 

In the middle, Marvin remains and that gives us a lot to work around. Trickie Dickie is a year older and injuries were starting to bite last season. I don't think it's physically possible for him to lose pace, so we just better hope his eyesight holds and his creaking legs make it through one more year, cos he's class. Personally, I think Thorniley is decent enough and can clearly play football as well as defend. The lad from Liverpool hasn't come with glowing recommendations from my Liverpool mate, but then he also doesn't accept that Brett Ormerod in his prime was probably the greatest player in football history and definitely better than Salah, so what does he know about football at all? I've nowt to say about him till I see him play. 

If Keogh scores... we're on the pitch...

I really like Douglas Tharme - He's decisive, big, has that Madine-like quality of being better with the ball than stereotypes would suggest he will be and his name is wonderfully 1930s. 'Douglas Tharme' sounds like someone who might have been an adventurer back in the days before drones and Google Earth meant you didn't need to actually go anywhere anymore. I like to imagine black and white footage of him emerging from a jungle in Borneo or setting off to the arctic aboard a whaling ship. I hope he gets some decent football this season and we find out if he's really good or really a budget Ben Heneghan. 

In terms of keepers, though it seems some have decided Maxwell is worse than the lovechild of Kingson, Capleton and Sealey, he's not suddenly become a bad keeper. He is, however, firmly back up to Grimshaw, who is without doubt, the number 1 for the season, barring anyone trying to kick his head off again. 

A prediction-y bit. 

I don't know what the season holds for us. I don't think we're going to go down. Whilst we don't have quite the same fair wind in terms of crisis clubs around the division and promotion excitement driving us on, there's a few teams looking shaky and we also still have time to go into the season looking stronger than we did last year. I wasn't hugely impressed with many sides and whilst that might be dangerous, I think we can mix it again. 

I'm really hoping a couple of players can join the likes of Marvin in stepping up and properly establishing themselves. Carey is the obvious one, though I think we need to be patient to an extent and realise how inexperienced he is. Connolly could be a really important player, especially if Appleton commits to playing him in one position. I really would like Matty Virtue to have an injury free season and then we can at least know if he's got it or not. Sometimes I think he's a yard off the pace, other times I adore his style and endeavour - every time he's had a run, something happens, be it Covid, or repeated injury. This season could be big for him. 

I also think, if we are going to play fluid, attacking football, we could see a reborn Jerry Yates. The lad can really play and the fact he gets assists as well as goals shows that he's all about vision. That little pass for Lubala vs Rangers is just the latest in a line of frankly outrageous stuff he's done in Pool shirt. Of everyone, Jerry really didn't suit the direct style our former manager employed and he's a player who could yet prove himself because you don't score the kind of goals he scored in League 1 (or finish as our most productive forward last year) if you are shite. 

I'm going to say we can improve on last year - I think we'll finish somewhere around the middle, maybe 14th if you're going to pin my down and do that typewriter thing on my chest till I blurt out a league position - but we'll play with more style. I'm being horribly optimistic perhaps, I'm assuming that we'll sign a few more (primarily a left sided winger/attacker and a right back) and they'll be decent, I'm assuming that the players are warming to Appleton in the way I have so far and I'm assuming that we can make sense of a forward line that doesn't wholly make sense. I can also see a season of struggle. This is the infinite joy of football - that it beguiles and makes fools of us all. It would be crap to support PSG. It genuinely would. 

'Mystic Mitch' 

To be honest, I don't really like predicting stuff. In fact, I'm so shite at it that basically, you can put a cast iron bet* on that CJ will be top scorer and end the season valued at about £30 million. Whatever happens, it will be football and one of the teams will be in tangerine and there will be noise. 

*not now I've written it down though. 



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Praise for 'Was that a dream? - Blackpool FC 20/21' 

"A bit better than I expected" (SAFCblog) 
"A few typos" (Amazon) 


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