Football Blog: Tangerine Flavoured

Saturday, September 25, 2021

Keshi, take a bow... : the Mighty vs Barnsley

I'm not sure how today will go. The problem is two-fold. a) a prediction might end up accidentally being a curse and b) it's difficult to account for the essential 'Blackpooliness' of any Blackpool side. Years of experience has told me to imagine the opposite of whatever...

Sunday, September 19, 2021

'20-21 - the Book*' needs you... *there will be a better title...

Tangerine innit?I hope this isn't a self regarding thing but I have had the urge to write something longer (readers cry, 'longer? for fuck's sake lad, your shite is long enough as it is...') about the season just past. Saying 'I'm going to write a book' feels like something...

Saturday, September 18, 2021

The screaming joy of Richard Keogh: Middlesbrough vs the Mighty

We're on the way. The bleak open views and quarry blasted hillsides of the Pennines have given way to the encroaching east coast flatlands and we're upon Darlington. There stands the Northern Echo arena, a stadium that sunk a grand old club and that now towers above the nothingness...

Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Ollie Turton derby disaster: the Mighty vs Huddersfield Town

The preview was going to be all about our old right back. No, not Dave Burgess. The other one. The one we loved to moan about. No, still not Dave Burgess. The one we loved to moan about and blame for stuff until they played their part in a promotion winning team. No still not...

Saturday, September 11, 2021

How long left? The Mighty vs Fulham

Some people rage about the international break as if a week or so without football is like having your methadone cut off by a corrupt GP with a vindictive streak. I quite enjoyed it to be honest. There are other things in the world. You can do stuff with your Saturday like. -...

Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Keepy Uppy (A review)

The BBC seem really keen to tell us that the Premier League is fabulous and that it's just getting better by the week in their new documentary 'Fever Pitch'.It's weird that the BBC want to tell us that when their role is to tell a story with balance as opposed to further the mythos of what was and remains an exercise in ideology and greed. Whilst it's...

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Yet another bad owner. Where do they breed them?

This is Brooks Mileson. He owned Gretna FC. If you don't know who he is or what the score is with Gretna, it might be worth giving it ...