Football Blog: Tangerine Flavoured

Tuesday, October 29, 2024

Get it launched! - the Mighty vs Wigan Athletic

I decide to walk down the prom from the station. I haven't done this route to a game for years. It's easy to forget when you don't go to the front very often that Blackpool is mad as fuck on a world class level and this has to be one of the planet's greatest walks to a stadium....

Saturday, October 19, 2024

Steve Bruce's Tangerine Army - the Mighty vs Barnsley

This game is overshadowed by human tragedy. It's not my place to comment on the nature or details of it because it's private. If you've been on this earth for more than 5 minutes you'll know something of the hollow, numb shock of your own grief. It's like being immersed in ice,...

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Football is the cruellest mistress - the Mighty vs Lincoln City

At least the keeper didn't score. A panoramic shot of a field at dusk. In the background the sky is painted with sunset as if a theatrical diorama created for this moment and this moment only. At the point where the sky meets the land, a distant illuminated tower. I turn...

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Yet another bad owner. Where do they breed them?

This is Brooks Mileson. He owned Gretna FC. If you don't know who he is or what the score is with Gretna, it might be worth giving it ...