Football Blog: Tangerine Flavoured

Wednesday, January 29, 2020

A jigsaw with no picture...

'Dunney - how about this... give it to Feeney, he crosses it and the big lads jump? Either that or 2-3-1-2-1-1 with the goalie off Big Gary and Jay between the sticks?  Once upon a time (in a far off land called about 6 weeks ago), when things were good and the Pool...

Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Jurgen the drama queen

Apparently the FA have given the Premier League teams a winter break then cruelly sneaked in replays to the schedule.  Presumably that's because if they put them anywhere else - like a week with a Champions League Game, then Jurgen would be saying thinks like...  "No...

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Dead dreams: The Mighty versus Reading.

There are times when life weighs on you, the crushing force of mundanity and routine threatening to squash you like a beetle under a jackbooted foot. It's at times like this when you need the world's greatest ever football team, clad in beautiful tangerine, under the lights,...

Friday, January 10, 2020

The last real human to play football.

That Charlie Adam meme. Where people laughed at him for looking like a person compared to an effeminate version of Barbie's dream hunk Ken. A normal slightly Shane Macgowan esque-bloke versus a plastic doll, with sprayed on hair, unrealistic muscles and probably a weird sexless...

Sunday, January 5, 2020

The FA Cup - from magic to misery.

The FA cup isn’t dead, it’s just severely anaemic. It’s an underfed great beast, prowling the plains with its ribcage showing, a tragic indictment of our treatment of life’s wonders. It’s like watching one of those bands that plod on for years, shorn of their original members,...

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Rotherham vs the Mighty: Should have known better...

Rotherham is the fastest growing economy in Yorkshire according to a sign on the way in. Being from Lancashire, I'm legally bound to say something like 'that's like being the least irradiated fireman at Chernobyl' We're standing at the end of Millmoor Lane. The boy says...

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Yet another bad owner. Where do they breed them?

This is Brooks Mileson. He owned Gretna FC. If you don't know who he is or what the score is with Gretna, it might be worth giving it ...